Fractal Streamers Program

Are you the next Ninja in web3 games?

Fractal Team
2 min readJul 1, 2022

Today, we are launching the Fractal Streamers Program to find streamers who want to grow with us.

We have the best pipeline of web3 games. We want you to come, have fun, and share it with your community.

We care about believers, not necessarily your followers. If you want to grow and be the next Ninja in web3 games, let us help you start now.

Streamers are an integral part of Fractal’s future. We want to co-build this program with you. We will be testing with an alpha cohort and refining our strategy based on your feedback.

The Fractal Streamers Program

Who is eligible?

Twitch streamers who fulfill basic Affiliate requirements are eligible to apply.

Program structure

We want to work with creators who want to stream more and grow on Twitch. Fractal Streamers should:

  • Stream 8+ hours/month (with Fractal Streamer overlay on)
  • Participate in every Fractal Gaming Tournament

We ask you to stream Fractal title games. To count your hours towards this requirement, share a clip on Twitter with a link to your Twitch after each stream. Make sure to tag @fractalwagmi and the game!

Given this is the initial launch cohort, we will be constantly iterating on the program structure to make sure this program is as awesome as it can be!


  • A personalized Fractal Streamer badge overlay
  • Meet and playtest Fractal Launchpad games with devs before launch
  • Dedicated Fractal Streamers prize pool for Fractal Gaming tournaments
  • Join Fractal Alpha server
  • Priority invitation to official Fractal events and tournaments (e.g. Fractal Cup, Watch Party)
  • Featured exposure through Fractal social channels
  • Fractal NFT

.. and more!

We want to make you feel super f***ing special as a Fractal Streamer 🎉


Sign up for the first cohort closes by July 10, 2022. We are looking to pick 15–30 Fractal Streamers. If you miss out, stay tuned for when the 2nd cohort opens up.


Please DM us on Twitter @fractalwagmi with a link to your Twitch channel. We will get in touch if you have been selected.



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